phpMyAdmin session timeout

phpMyAdmin session timeout is controlled through two parameters. The first one can be found in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. It is called session.gc_maxlifetime. The other one can be found in the phpMyAdmin configuration

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Java Applets are no longer working in Linux

NPAPI support was dropped in Chrome version 35 introduced in Spring 2014. One of the consequences is that Java Applets running with IcedTea no longer works. Upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04

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Issues after upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04.1

After upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04.01, I ran into two issues: One with Apache2 and one with Samba 4. Apache has been upgraded from 2.2.22 to 2.4.7. The content was no

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An Arduino library for the MAX7219 Led Display Driver.

The MAX7219 chip does a wonderful job when its time to drive either a 64 led matrix or an eight digit (seven segments) display. Only three wires are required: a

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Trinket Support On Linux

The Trinket (Adafruit’s Trinket) can be supported on Linux using the Arduino IDE 1.0.5 in only a few steps. Download this archive: TrinketHardwareSupport Install the Arduino IDE. It is assumed

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How to restore the Arduino Bootloader?

It can be easily done using Linux. This procedure is for the 328p processor. It can easily be adapted for a 168 processor. You will need an ICSP. First, make

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Parametrized Measuring Scoop

An “Parametrized Measuring Scoop” is now available. More details at Parametrized Measuring Scoop.

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PN532 Breakout Board Mounting Plate

An “PN532 Breakout Board Mounting Plate” is now available. More details at PN532 Breakout Board Mounting Plate.

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How to rename a user in Linux

Simply issue this command: usermod -m -d /home/new-account-name -l new-account-name old-account-name It creates the home directory if it does not exists. It also copy the stuff of the old user

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Enclosure For The Sparkfun RFID USB Reader

An “Enclosure for the Sparkfun RFID USB Reader” is now available. More details at Enclosure for the Sparkfun RFID USB Reader.

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preinst: line 118: a2query: command not found

If you are getting the following errors while trying to install Apache on Trusty (Ubuntu 14.04), execute the commands below and try to re-install it. Preparing to unpack …/apache2_2.4.7-1ubuntu4_amd64.deb …

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How To Restore Skype Status Bar Icon In Ubuntu 14.04

After installing Skype on Ubuntu 14.04, there is no icon in the status bar. To restore it, simply execute the following command: sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386 . This procedure works

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How to change the maximum upload file size in PHP

You can increase the maximum upload file size for only one application by creating a php.ini file in the directory where the file upload PHP script is. Add the following

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20 mm wide 90 Degrees T-Slot Angle Brackets

Some “20 mm wide 90 Degrees T-Slot Angle Brackets” are now available. More details at 20 mm wide 90 Degrees T-Slot Angle Brackets.

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Parametric Pipe/Rod/Tube Adapter

A “Parametric Pipe/Rod/Tube Adapter” is now available. More details at Parametric Pipe/Rod/Tube Adapter.

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Tape Roll Holder Revisited

A “Tape Roll Holder Revisited” is now available. More details at Tape Roll Holder Revisited.

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Mounting plate for Arduino UNO/Duemilanove/Diecimila

A “Mounting plate for Arduino UNO/Duemilanove/Diecimila” is now available. More details at Mounting plate for Arduino UNO/Duemilanove/Diecimila.

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40 MM Angle Bracket With Adjustable Foot

A “40 mm T-Slot Angle Bracket with adjustable foot” is now available. More details at 40 mm Angle Bracket With Adjustable Foot.

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40 MM T-Slot Adjustable Foot

A “40 mm T-Slot Adjustable Foot” is now available. More details at 40 mm T-Slot Adjustable Foot.

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