Category: Ubuntu 11.04
How to Install libnfc for PN532 NFC Readers on Linux
Installing libnfc for PN532 based NFC reader is not exactly as described in the documentation. Some information is scattered in the documentation. This installation guide has been tested with the
Read MoreHow To Setup an Internet Gateway using Ubuntu
Setting up an Internet Gateway using Ubuntu is pretty straight forward. In order to do so, you will need: A computer with two network interfaces. One hooked to your WAN
Read MoreInstalling memcached to use it with php
Installing Memcached with php support in Ubuntu is a matter of a few steps: sudo apt-get install memcached php5-memcached sudo service apache2 restart You can test if memcached is active
Read MoreHow to rename a user in Linux
Simply issue this command: usermod -m -d /home/new-account-name -l new-account-name old-account-name It creates the home directory if it does not exists. It also copy the stuff of the old user
Read MoreHow to display the version of Ubuntu you are running
From a terminal window, type in: lsb_release -a
Read MoreHow to use the command line to make the internal speaker beep
Two simple steps: Install the beep utility. Executing beep on the command line will make the internal speaker beep. apt-get install beep Add pcspkr to /etc/modules to load it at
Read MoreHow to prevent SSHD to listen on an address family
It is possible to control on which address family sshd will listen to. In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, simply add AddressFamily any to listen to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This is the default.
Read MoreHow to assign a static IP address in Ubuntu
Setting a static IP address in Ubuntu involves editing /etc/network/interfaces. If the interface is currently using DHCP, you will find these lines in the file. auto lan iface lan inet
Read MoreHow to find duplicate files on Linux?
It is pretty straight forward in Linux, install fdupes. sudo apt-get install fdupes Type the following command to display the documentation man fdupes
Read MoreAccessing a serial port from a web server
On most Linux distribution, it is impossible to access a serial port (ex. /dev/ttyS0) from a web server such as Apache or lighttpd using a cgi. Simply add the user
Read MoreScript listing all the keys on a memcache server
This script lists all the keys on a memcache server. #!/bin/bash nc localhost 11211 > /tmp/$$.1 <<EOF stats items EOF cut -d: -f2 /tmp/$$.1 | grep -v END | uniq
Read MoreRalink RT5572 based WiFi Usb Dongle setup on Ubuntu 12.04
The WiFi USB dongles based on the newest RT5572 chip set do not work out of the box on Ubuntu. Unex DNUR-V72, D-Link DWA-160 Rev B and TP-Link TL-WDN3200 dongles are
Read MoreRecording a terminal session under Linux
It is possible to record a terminal session under Linux with ttyrec. It also records vi, emacs, etc. sessions. Fisrt, install ttyrec sudo apt-get install ttyrec To start recording a
Read MoreMasquerading or replacing outgoing SMTP email address with Postfix
Postfix can replace an outgoing email address by another one. To do so, you must perform these steps: Add in /etc/postfix/ the following line smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic_maps Add in hash:/etc/postfix/generic_maps a
Read MoreCreate an ext3 or an ext4 partition without a journal
Most of the time, having a journal for ext3 and ext4 partitions is pretty useful. Nevertheless, you can prevent creating a journal by adding the option ^has_journal. For example: mkfs
Read MoreInitializing a brand new disk with “parted”
“parted” is a replacement for “fdisk” of Linux. It can handle disks larger than 2 TB. Issue this command to launch “parted” where /dev/sdL is the disk you want to
Read MoreHow to use the loop device on Unix?
The loop device on Unix lets access a file as a block device. Disks are block devices. So, it is possible to use a file as a disk. The first
Read MoreHow to control the brightness of the display from command line?
You can set the brightness of the display by issuing this command within a shell echo 3 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness where 3 is the brightness level. Its value is from 0
Read MoreHow to restore the normal scroll bars in Ubuntu 11?
Simply create a file named /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80overlayscrollbars and put into it the following line: export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 or simply execute the following command echo “export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0” > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80overlayscrollbars You need to do
Read MoreSSH login without password
It is possible to securely connect to a SSH server without a password. To do so, you must perform the following steps. It assumes that both machine are running a
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