Converting a certificate from DER to PEM or PEM to DER

openssl x509 –in input.pem –inform PEM -out output.der –outform DER openssl x509 –in input.der –inform DER -out output.pem –outform PEM

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How to remove the passphrase on a private key

To remove a passphrase on a private key, simple execute this command. openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.unprotected.key Since it is a private key, make sure that it is well

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Creating a certificate for a server

Creating a server certificate involves only a few steps. To do so, execute the following commands. This post assumes that “OpenSSL initial configuration” and “Creating a ca’s self signed certificate”

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Creating a ca’s self signed certificate

In order to create your own certificates, you need a CA (certificate authority) certificate. This certificate will be used to sign every certificate you will create. To do so, execute

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OpenSSL initial configuration

This initial configuration procedure assumes that you are executing it on Linux Create a special user named ‘ca’. Its home directory will hold the data. It must protected carefully. For

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