Parametric Trays

These openSCAD scripts generate square, round, rounded corner square trays. Modify the file RoundTray.scad, SquareTray.scad or RoundedCornerSquareTray.scad to get the corresponding tray. ParametricTrays.scad should not be modified

Support material is not required. An infill of 20% is recommended.

This object was designed using openSCAD.

Printable Files

  Round Tray Generator
  Square Tray Generator
  Rounded Corner Square Tray Generator
  Main Tray Generator – Required but should not be modified
  Rounded Corner Square Tray Example

This object is also published on the following site(s):
Prusa Printers
Maker World

Copyright 2012-2024 by Claude “Tryphon” Théroux

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